The 69th UST Aniversary Event Timeline

Registration and any submissions deadline: 26 October 2024

Stadium Generale

This will be held earlier in September 2024 at UST auditorium. The event is designed for the new students of UST.


September 2024

Intellectual Property Right Workshop


19 Juli 2024

Badminton Tournament

Benny|+62 857-2965-5677

UST staff and lecturers

started from 29 Oktober 2024

UST Profile Video Competition (UST Only)

Ipyt (+62856-4325-3424)

The UST profile video competition is only for UST students, staff, or lecturers. This 4-minute video competition portrays the UST from various facets depending on the creativity of the participants.

Back office

UST Batik Design (Senior/Vocational High School and University students)

Iin (+62818-269-926)

This competition is to facilitate senior/vocational high schools and UST students in creating Batik pattern. Besides, this is the UST concern on the cultural preservation especially on Javanese artefact.

Back office

Panembromo Contest (Senior/Vocational High School Students)

Arya (+62 856-4343-9385)

Panembromo is a Javanese choir on singing Javanese song called tembang. The song chosen for the current contest is Wasita Rini, composed by Ki Hadjar Dewantara, the founding father of UST as well as the first minister of Indonesian Education and Culture.

Back office

International Poster Presentation Competition (ONLY for Partnership International Conference presenters)

Benny (+62857-2965-5677)

This competition is in one bundle with the Partnership International Conference. The participants who are eligible to join this competition are those who register as the Round Table Presenters at the Partnership International Conference. For the Round Table Session, the presenters only prepare one page of poster presentation (not PPT slides). In other words, the presenters will use the poster presentation image as well as register automatically on the International Poster Presentation Competition.

Back office

Best Article (ONLY for Partnership International Conference presenters)

Victa (+62817-5414-197)

This competition is in one package with the Partnership International Conference. This competition is only for the presenters of the Partnership International Conference. Besides, all manuscripts sent to the Partnership International Conference will be selected by some journal editors from UST journal (National accredited 3, 4, and 5). The selected manuscripts will be suggested to be proofread by overseas partner universities and sent to the journals (additional fees are applied depending on the targeted journal policy).

Back office

English Speech Contest on Global Friendship

Landri (+62812-2572-2213)

Last year, UST conducted the English Speech Contest for the first time. The targeted participants were only 20 students, but 68 contestants joined the event. In 2024, UST serves more categories on Speech Contest, not only for the general speech topic but also in accounting and taxation. For joining this event, the contestants simply send their full body speech performance recorded video to the registration link.

The contestants will be graded based on the following indicators: 

a. Introduction: Self-introduction and Leading-in(5 points)

b. Content: Comprehension, Language Usage, Conclusion (30 points)

c. Voice Usage: Pronunciation and Accent (20 points)

d. Appearance: Body Language, Eye Contact, Personality (20 points)

e. Time Management – 5 minutes performance (5 points)

Back office

English Speech Contest on Accounting (Senior/Vocational High School)

Landri (+62812-2572-2213)

This contest brings the specific topic on accounting and only for the senior/vocational school students. For joining this event, the contestants simply send their full body speech performance recorded video to the registration link.

Back office

English Speech Contest on Taxation (University students)

Landri (+62812-2572-2213)

This contest brings the specific topic on accounting and only for the university students. For joining this event, the contestants simply send their full body speech performance recorded video to the registration link.

Back office

UST Market Day (UST and Public)

Bherrio (+62857-2889-8298)

Kirana (+62 813-2885-6233)

Eram (+62 896-3716-7708)

The UST Market Day facilitates enterprises to promote and sell their products in three days (13-15 November 2024). The locations for this event are on the Auditorium (Tenant Table and Chairs) and Main Building parking lot (Bazaar tents sizing 2X2 m will be provided for free). The tenants may only leave the standing banner, or send their representatives. 

There are two categories for:

a. Public tenants

b. UST tenants (students, staff, and lecturers). This is free of charge.

Auditorium & Halaman Parkir

13 November 2024 | 07:30 – 15:0014 November 2024 | 07:30 – 16:0015 November 2024 | 07:30 – 11:00

UST Edu Fair (UST dan Public)

Bherrio (+62857-2889-8298)

Kirana (+62813-2885-6233)

Eram (+62896-3716-7708)

The UST Edu Fair is to provide educational information on higher educations as well as scholarship providers. This will be on the UST Auditorium, Main Building. The tenants may only leave the standing banner, or send their representatives.

Auditorium & Halaman Parkir 

13 November 2024 | 07:30 – 15:0014 November 2024 | 07:30 – 16:0015 November 2024 | 07:30 – 11:00

Indonesian Traditional Fashion Show (Senior/Vocational High School)

Uum (+62857-2929-1366

Indonesia is comprised by more than 300 ethnics which have various traditional clothes. The contest is to get insight Indonesia through the ethnical clothes.


13 November 2024 | 07:30 – 09:30

Lomba Tari (SMA/SMK)

Sri Lestari (+62821-4373-119)


13 November 2024 | 09:30 – 11:00

International Dewantara Accounting 

Dewi (+62815-7946-153)

Lt.3 Gedung Pusat

13 November 2024 | 08:00 – 11:00

International Dewantara Audit and Taxation Challenge 

Umi (+62852-2786-6627)

Lt.3 Gedung Pusat

13 November 2024 | 08:00 – 11:00

Accounting Olympiad  

Kirana (+62813-2885-6233)

Lt.3 Gedung Pusat

13 November 2024 | 08:00 – 11:00

TikTok Challenge

Reni (+62857-4320-0991)


13 November 2024 | 09:30 – 11:00

TikTok Challenge

Teguh (+62877-4800-4247)


13 November 2024 | 09:30 – 11:00

Partnership International Conference (for Public)

Victa (+62817-5414-197)

The first international conference on partnership aims to develop the networking, establish new partnership, and maintain the existing partnerships. The main speaker of the conference is Dr. Yanyin Zhang (Asian Studies - Australian National University, Australia). The Australian National University (ANU) is the foremost university in Australia and ranked 34 of the QS200 university. 

The committee welcomes educators, researchers, and students to join the conference to be the round table presenters or participants. 

All presenters will receive certificate, automatically join the international poster presentation competition, best article, and best presenter. The selected articles will be collaborated with the overseas proofreaders/authors, publish on UST journals ranked SINTA 4 and 3 (will be selected by the editors), or publish on the proceedings. While the participant will get certificate and automatically enroll on the best participant competition.


14 November 2024 | 07:45 –09:30

International Best Presenter (ONLY for Partnership International Conference presenters)

Qodri (+62812-1177-9949)

During the Round Table Session of the Partnership International Conference, the judges will assess the best presenters based on the indicators.


14 November 2024 | 09:30 –10:00

Conference Best Participant (ONLY for Partnership International Conference participants)

Qodri (+62812-1177-9949)

During the Round Table Session of the Partnership International Conference, the judges will assess the best presenters based on the indicators.


14 November 2024 | 09:30 –10:00

International Green Innovation Competition

Cahyo (+62851-5601-4570)

Creating valuable product from the used materials is the primary idea in the International Green Innovation Competition. The team competition which is consisted of 2 students is only for:

a. Senior/Vocational High Schools

b. University Students


14 November 2024 | 09:30 –11:00

Global Fashion Show on Party Attire (Senior/Vocational High Schools and university students)

Enggar (+62852-2806-4660)

The contest is to cherish the beauty of worldwide culture especially on party attires. The contest is not only for the overseas contestants but also from Indonesian senior/vocational high school and university level. The main purpose of the contest is to promote the harmony life across countries. Besides, this is to facilitate the international networking among participants and audience.


14 November 2024 |10:00 –10:30

International Community Extension Workshop

The programs are designed to facilitate lecturers, community groups, and partners (domestic and overseas) in doing community extension activities. Besides, all participants will get benefit in having international community extension documents such as the Implementation of Agreement (IA), and certificate.


14 November 2024 |10:30 –16:30

International Community Extension Workshop on Food Processing

Enggar  (+62852-2806-4660)

The speakers together with the students will show how to process traditional food or beverages materials into delicious food and beverages.


14 November 2024 |10:30 –11:15

International Community Extension Workshop on Processing Used Cooking Oil

Rana (+62813-1899-1929)

By inviting Komunitas Jelantah (Used Cooking Oil Community), participants will learn how to process used cooking oil into more valuable products.


14 November 2024 |11:15 –11:30

International Community Extension Workshop on Traditional Games in Maths and Sciences 

Ipyt| (+62856-4325-3424)

Indonesia has many traditional games which are mostly played by children individually or team. However, nowadays, Indonesian traditional games can be used to in education. The current international community extension is designed to introduce some traditional games in education. The participants will gain knowledge and skills in practicing traditional games in education.

West of R. Senat

14 November 2024 |14:30 –15:00

International Community Extension Workshop on Angklung

Iin| +62 818-269-926

UST prepares Angklung instruments, Sariswara Student Union, and lecturers to demo and accompany all participants in understanding Angklung and practicing playing Angklung.

West of R. Senat

14 November 2024 |15:00 –15:30

International Community Extension Workshop on Batik

Iin (+62 818-269-926)

Batik Students Union together with lecturers provide information on Batik, how to draw pattern, paint, and dye batik. The committee prepares the tools and materials used in panting batik. All participants will practice all in panting batik and bring home their batik product.

West of R. Senat

14 November 2024 |15:30 –16:00

International Community Extension Workshop on Gamelan

Arya (+62856-4343-9385)

Gamelan is a set of Javanese traditional instrument. The participants will experience in recognizing sounds produced by the Gamelan and practicing how to play Gamelan

Gamelan Room

14 November 2024 |16:00 –16:30

International Food Serving Competition (Senior/Vocational High Schools and university students)

Lucky (+62 856-3556-807)

Knowing overseas cultures may start from their food and beverages. The present competition is to introducing overseas snacks to the partnership international conference audience. This is a team competition, in which one team consists of two members. The committee will reimburse IDR. 300.000 / team.


14 November 2024 |11:30 –12:00

Benchmarking on International Class (Public)

Adhi (+62 878-3909-8900)

Opening an International Class in university level, nowadays, has become a challenge. Though overseas partner lecturers are available, some requirements and facilities are needed to support. Besides, the existence of the international class is essential for supporting the Main Performance Indicator (Indikator Kinerja Utama) of the higher education level. The current benchmarking will be conducted at Ruang Senat, Main Building, UST on 14 November 2024 by inviting the following speakers: 

a. Yanyin Zhang (Australian National University, Australia)

b. Maria Corazon Saturnina Castro (University of the Philippines – Dilliman)

R. Senat

14 November 2024 |13:00 –14:30

Psycho Smart Competition (Senior/Vocational High Schools)

Jatu (+62 813-2831-4022)

The Psycho Smart Competition aims to measure the senior/vocational high school students in understanding the psychological states around them.

Lt.3 Gedung Pusat

14 November 2024 |08:00 –09:30

Marching Competition for Senior/Vocational High School

Agit (+62823-2929-7595)

The competition aims to develop resilience, discipline, responsibility, and a work ethic among young people who will be the professionals of the future. Every participant demonstrated a variety of motions during its execution, such as marching, and attractions in maximum 10 minutes each team.

The competition will be divided into four categories: 

a. Male Category from Senior/Vocational School accredited A 

b. Female Category from Senior/Vocational School accredited A

c. Male Category from Senior/Vocational School accredited B/C

d. Female Category from Senior/Vocational School accredited B/C

Halaman Parkir Gedung Pusat 

14 November 2024 |07:30 –11:00

Closing Ceremony

Agit (+62823-2929-7595)

The final event is the ceremony in which all winners will be invited to receive their prizes.


15 November 2024 |08:00 –10:00

Co-hosting Offer

UST invites educational institutions to be the co-hosts of Partnership International Conference, Benchmarking, and International Community Extension. The co-host will get several benefits:

However, co-hosts have responsibilities in sending at least 3 representatives  for joining the following events bundles. The chosen bundles can be possibly mixed.

All payments of co-hosting should be transferred to:

Bank Account : 117.731.4.123 

Bank Name : BSI

Account Holder Name : Victa Sari Dwi Kurniati

The payment receipt should be uploaded via registration link.

Tenant and Space Offers

UST invites organizations for promoting their products at the UST Market and Edu Fair on 13-15 November 2024. The sponsor may choose the AC-indoor or outdoor stands. Each stand will receive facilities below:

Sponsors may only send a standing banner to be placed on some strategic aisles. 

Here is the pricelist for the sponsor tenant

Sponsorship Offers

UST offers sponsorship in both cash or products. Here are the details. 

For the cash sponsorship, please transfer to:

Bank Account : 0039226978  

Bank Name : Bank BNI

Account Holder Name : Rektor UST

For the product sponsorship, please contact:

Eram Panca Wardana, S.E.  in  +62 896-3716-7708


Bherrio Dwi Saputra, S.Pd., M.Pd.   in +62 857-2889-8298

Site Plan

Gedung Pusat UST

Jl. Batikan UH III/1043 Tuntungan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

2. Auditorium

3. Ruang Senat